July 2021
The next Parish Council will take place on Thursday 15th July 2021, starting at 7pm, at the Bodle Street Green Village Hall
We have been advised that in order to comply with UK government restrictions, a maximum of 6 members of the public will be able to attend this meeting. There will be strict CoVid-19 protocols in place to ensure the saftey of members of the public, our Councillors and the Parish Clerk. If you wish to attend, where possible, please notify the Clerk at least 24 hours before the meeting. This will allow us to ensure approriate seating/social distancing is in place for your protection.
Members of the public should arrive between 6.50 and 6.55pm and enter the village hall individually; please use the hand sanitiser, which will be provided, and go straight to one of the allocated seats. Masks will be required unless you have a medical exemption. We will also have to take a record of names and a contact telephone number of anyone who attends the meeting to comply with UK government requirements.
A Risk Assessment for holding a face to face meeting has been undertaken and can be found below.
Please note the meeting cannot be accessed online - we will continue to investigate whether this will be possible for future meetings.